Flash Lane, Rufford, Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 1SN


01704 821300

Rufford CE Primary School

Let your light shine in the world - Matthew 5:16

School Policies

Please click on the link below to access the policies.

If you require any further information please contact the school office.

 Anti bullying policy Spring 2023.pdfDownload
 Attendance Policy and Procedural Framework Autumn 2021.pdfDownload
 Behaviour Discipline Policy autumn 2022.pdfDownload
 Charging & Remissions Policy rev Sep20 (1).pdfDownload
 CODE OF CONDUCT - SEPT 2021.pdfDownload
 Complaints Process Flow Chart.pdfDownload
 Homework Policy 2022.pdfDownload
 Letting Policy rev Sep20 (1).pdfDownload
 LO- Rufford CE - 8022 27-9-2022.pdfDownload
 Medicine and Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy 20191.pdfDownload
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